IKT konkursside avamine 10. juulil 2012

2013. aasta IKT tööprogrammis avati 10. juulil 2012 järgmised teemad.

1. IT-võrku ja teenuste infrastruktuure (Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures) käsitlev valdkond:
ICT-2013.1.2 Software Engineering, Services and Cloud Computing
ICT-2013.1.3 Digital Enterprise
ICT-2013.1.4 A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities
ICT-2013.1.5 Trustworthy ICT

  • Sihtriigid: Austraalia

ICT-2013.1.6 Connected and Social media
ICT-2013.1.7 Future Internet Research Experimentation (FIRE)

  • Sihtriigid: Lõuna-Aafrika, Hiina, Lõuna-Korea
Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.1.2 Software Engineering, Services and Cloud Computing 41,5 M€ IP/STREP, CSA  FP7-ICT-2013-10  






ICT-2013.1.3 Digital Enterprise


A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities
20 M€ Collaborative Projects (STREP only) and CSA  FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013  


ICT-2013.1.5 Trustworthy ICT  36,5 M€ IP/STREP, CSA  FP7-ICT-2013-10  




ICT-2013.1.6 Connected and Social media  33,4 M€ IP, STREP, CSA 
ICT-2013.1.7 Future Internet Research Experimentation (FIRE) 19 M€ IP, STREP, CSA


2. Robootika ja kognitiivsete süsteemide (Cognitive Systems and Robotics) valdkond:
ICT-2013.2.1 Robotics, Cognitive Systems and Smart Spaces, Symbiotic Interaction
ICT-2013.2.2 Robotics use cases & Accompanying measures

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.2.1Robotics, Cognitive Systems & Smart Spaces, Symbiotic Interaction  67 M€ IP/STREP  FP7-ICT-2013-10  




ICT-2013.2.2Robotics use cases & Accompanying measures  23 M€ STREP, CSA 
3. Komponentide ja süsteemide alternatiivsete lahenduste (Alternative Paths to Components and Systems) valdkond.
ICT-2013.3.3 Heterogeneous Integration and take-up of Key Enabling Technologies for Components and Systems
ICT-2013.3.4 Advanced Computing, embedded and Control systems

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.3.3 Heterogeneous Integration and take-up of Key Enabling Technologies for Components and Systems  64 M€  












ICT-2013.3.4 Advanced Computing, embedded and Control systems  72,5 M€
4. Keeletehnoloogia valdkond (Technologies for Digital Content and Languages)
ICT-2013.4.1 Content analytics and language Technologies
ICT-2013.3.3 SME initiative on analytics

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.4.1 Content analytics and language technologies 27 M€ STREP, CSA  FP7-ICT-2013-10  






ICT-2013.4.3 SME initiative on analytics 20 M€ IP, STREP FP7-ICT-2013-SME-DCA


5. IKT tervise, vananemise ja heaolu, kaasatuse ning valitsemise (ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance) valdkonnas avatakse viis teemat:
ICT-2013.5.1 Personalised Health, active ageing and independent living
ICT-2013.5.2 Virtual Physiological Human
ICT-2013.5.3 ICT for smart and personalised inclusion
ICT-2013.5.4 ICT for governance and policy modelling
ICT-2013.5.5 Collective awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.5.1 Personalised Health, active ageing and independent living 58 M€ IP/STREP, CP-CSA, CSA FP7-ICT-2013-10  





ICT-2013.5.2 Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) 31,9 M€ STREP, CSA 
ICT-2013.5.3 ICT for smart and personalised inclusion 19 M€ IP/STREP, CSA
ICT-2013.5.4 ICT for governance and policy modelling 19 M€ STREP, CSA 
ICT-2013.5.5 Collective awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation 15 M€ IP/STREP, CSA
6. CO2 vähendamise (Low-carbon economy) eesmärgil avatakse viis teemat:
ICT-2013.6.2 Data Centres in an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly Internet
ICT-2013.6.4 Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities
ICT-2013.6.6 Co-operative mobility
ICT-2013.6.7 Integrated personal mobility for smart cities
ICT-2013.6.5 PPP GC: Electro-mobility

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.6.2 Data Centres in an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly Internet 20 M€ STREPs FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013  










ICT-2013.6.4 Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities 40 M€ STREP, CSA
ICT-2013.6.6 Integrated personal mobility for smart cities 15 M€ STREP
ICT-2013.6.7 PPP GC: Electro-mobility 40 M€ IP, STREP, CSA FP7-2013-ICT-GC 
ICT-2013.6.5 Co-operative mobility 26 M€ IP/STREP, CSA FP7-ICT-2013-10   15.01.201


7. Ettevõtluse ja tootmise valdkonnas (ICT for the Enterprise and Manufacturing) avatakse kaks teemat:
ICT-2013.7.1 PPP FoF: Application experiments for robotics and simulation
ICT-2013.7.2 PPP FoF: Equipment assessment for sensor and laser based applications

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.7.1 PPP FoF: Application experiments for robotics and simulation 35 M€  

IP only and CSA





ICT-2013.7.2 PPP FoF: Equipment assessment for sensor and laser based applications 35 M€


8. Kultuuriressurssidele ja õppele suunatud IKT (ICT for Learning and Access to Cultural Resources) valdkonnas avatakse üks teema:
ICT-2013.8.1 Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of creativity

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.8.1 Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of creativity 43 M€ IP/STREP, CSA FP7-ICT-2013-10   15.01.2013

9. Tulevikutehnoloogiate (Future and Emerging Technologies) valdkond.
ICT-2013.9.6 FET Proactive: Evolving Living Technologies
ICT-2013.9.7 FET Proactive: Atomic and Molecular Scale Devices and Systems
ICT-2013.9.8 FET Proactive: Coordinating communities
ICT-2013.9.9 FET Flagships
Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.9.6 FET Proactive: Evolving Living Technologies (EVLIT) 16 M€ STREP FP7-ICT-2013-10











ICT-2013.9.7 FET Proactive: Atomic and Molecular Scale Devices and Systems 16 M€ IP, STREP
ICT-2013.9.8 FET Proactive: Coordinating communities, identifying new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and fostering interdisciplinary 3 M€ CSA
ICT-2013.9.9 FET Flagships 108 M€ CSA FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F 10.12.2013



10. Rahvusvaheline koostöö (International Cooperation)

ICT-2013.10.1 EU-Japan Research and Development Cooperation
ICT-2013.10.2 EU-Brazil Research and Development Cooperation
ICT-2013.10.3 International Partnership building and support to dialogues

a) ACP maad (eelkõige Aafrika)
b) Aasia (eelistatud on Hiina, India, Kagu- Aasia)
c) Ida-Euroopa ja Kesk-Aasia
d) Kõrge elatustasemega riigid: alagrupp 1: Põhja-Ameerika (Kanada, USA)
e) Kõrge elatustasemega riigid: alagrupp 2: Ida-Aasia/Okeaania (Austraalia, Jaapan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapur, Taiwan)
f) Ladina-Ameerika
g) Vahemeremaade partnerriigid

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.10.1 EU-Japan Research and Development Cooperation 9 M€  


FP7-ICT-2013-EU-Japan 29.11.2012 
ICT-2013.10.2 EU-Brazil Research and Development Cooperation 5 M€ FP7-ICT-2013-EU-Brazil 24.10.2012 
International Partnership building and support to dialogues
8 M€ CSA FP7-ICT-2013-10 15.01.2013


11. Horisontaalsed tegevused (Horizontal actions)
ICT-2013.11.1 Ensuring more efficient higher quality public services through Pre-Commercial Procurement of ICT solutions across sectors of public interest
ICT-2013.11.3 High quality cloud computing environment for public sector needs, validated through a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) jointly  undertaken by Member States and the European Commission
ICT-2013.11.4 Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union
ICT-2013.11.5 Cross border services, investment readiness and legal advice for ICT SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
Ensuring more efficient higher quality public services through Pre-Commercial Procurement of ICT solutions across sectors of public interest
4 M€ CP-CSA  
















High quality cloud computing environment for public sector needs, validated through a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) jointly  undertaken by Member States and the European Commission
10 M€ CSA
Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union
Cross border services, investment readiness and legal advice for ICT SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs
5,7 M€ CSA

12. Eritegevuste valdkond
ICT-2013.12.1 Exascale computing platforms, software and applications

Teema Eelarve Instrumendid Kutse Sulgemistähtaeg
ICT-2013.12.1 Exascale computing platforms, software and applications 22 M€ IP, STREP FP7-ICT-2013-10 15.01.2013

Rivo Raamat

7RP konsultant

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