Kosmose valdkonna 5. taotlusvoor osalemiseks avatud

DSCS_SatInSpaceLockheedMartinNüüdseks on iga-aastane, seekord viies 7. raamprogrammi kosmose valdkonna projektikonkurss avatud, projekte saab elektrooniliselt (EPSSi kaudu) esitada 23. novembrini 2011, kuni kella 16.00-ni Eesti aja järgi.

Sellest aastast toimub projektikonkurssidel osalemine Euroopa Komisjoni osalejaportaalis, mis asendab seni raamprogrammi veebikeskkonnana toiminud CORDISe veebilehte.

Koos ESAga panustatakse käesolevasse kutsesse esmakordelt kõige suurem eelarve, seega on head võimalused rahastuse taotlemiseks ning ressursside ja huvi korral on finantseeringu saamiseks kõik eeldused olemas.

Detailse ülevaate eelarve jagunemisest annab tabel 1:

Miljonit eurot



Call FP7-SPACE-2012-1
Activity 9.1
Space-based applications at the service of European Society:


1.1&2 Border surveillance (CONOPS)


1.3 Support to EU external action


1.4 Emergency response management


1.5 Take-up of GMES Sentinel data


Call FP7-SPACE-2012-1
Activity 9.1
Space-based applications at the service of EuropeanSociety :
3.1 R&D for in-situ component


3.2&3 Climate change – coordination, data archiving


3.4 Consolidation of User requirements for GMES


Call FP7-SPACE-2012-1
Activity 9.2
Strengthening of Space foundations:


1.1 Exploitation of Space Science and exploration data


Call FP7-SPACE-2012-1
Activity 9.2
Strengthening of  Space foundations:
2.1 Key technologies enabling observations in and from space


2.2 Key technologies for in-space activities


Call FP7-SPACE-2012-1
Activity 9.3
Cross- cutting activities/SME specific


1.1 Terrestrial SME research in space


Call FP7-SPACE-2012-1
Activity 9.3
Cross-cutting activities/ studies and events
5.1 Studies and Events in support of European Space Policy


5.2 Research agenda definition and road-maps
5.3 Reduction of vulnerability


1 ESA Delegation Agreement (re. 9.1)


2 Space Data Access (via ESA Delegation Agreement)


3 Communication and Conferences


4 Monitoring, Programme Evaluation, Studies and Impact assessment


OTHER ACTIVITIES1 FP7 Expert proposal evaluators payments








Euroopa kosmosepoliitika sihtide paikapanekul 2004. aastal määrati kandev roll GMESi tegevustele, mis on kajastunud ka toimunud kutsetes. Selle eesmärgiks  on tegelda keskkonna-, kliimamuutuste ja julgeoleku küsimustega, kasutades satelliitidelt ja in-situ kogutud andmeid. GMES ühendab endas Maa seiresüsteemid (satelliidid, maapealsed ja atmosfäärisensorid jm), tagamaks täpse ülevaate loodusressursside ja keskkonna kasutusest ja muutustest, samuti tsiviiljulgeoleku ning valmisoleku loodus- ja muude katastroofide korral.

Teine oluline moment Euroopa konkurentsivõime tagamiseks GMESi kõrval on rahvusvaheline koostöö. Sellisteks riikideks on tugeva kosmosepotensiaaliga maad, nagu USA, Venemaa, Kanada, Hiina, India ja Ukraina. Vastastikuse koostöö soodustamiseks sõlmitakse nende maadega koostöölepinguid (näiteks Lõuna-Aafrika ja Brasiilia). Kosmoserakenduste kasutuselevõtt soodustab nende majanduslikku ja sotsiaalset arengut, samal ajal toetades looduse kaitset.

Käesolev tööprogramm on koostatud kooskõlas Euroopa kosmosepoliitikaga, võttes arvesse Space Advisory Group’i (SAG) ettepanekuid. Kutse läbiviimise protseduuride eest kannab hoolt selleks loodud REA (Research Excecutive Agency).

Kutse aluseks on kaks peamist alateemat, nendest esimene koosneb viiest osast:
Activity 9.1. Space-based applications at the service of European Society

  1. Support to the (pre-)operational validation of GMES services and products based on the integration and harmonisation of related observation data (both satellite-based and in-situ, including ground-based, ship-borne and airborne), starting with the funded GMES Services.
  2. Integrated use and application of satellite communication and satellite navigation solutions with space-based observation systems, and with related non-space systems.
  3. Support to the coordinated provision of observation data, both from spacebased infrastructure and from in-situ observation systems.
  4. Development of Earth observation satellites, which relate to the management of the environment and security, and which complement in-situ systems.
  5. Continuity of GMES services, ensuring complementarity and consistency with the GMES Regulation on the European Earth observation programme (GMES) and its initial operations (20112013).

Vaid teemad 1, 3 ja 4 on projektides antud kutses avatud, st prioriteetsed.

GMESi julgeoleku teemal on kutseks välja toodud kolm prioriteetset valdkonda:

  1. Border surveillance (in particular in support to the European external border surveillance system – EUROSUR)
  2. EU external actions
  3. Maritime Surveillance

Teine alateema koosneb kolmest valdkonnast:

Activity 9.2. Strengthening the foundations of Space science and technology
Antud teema eesmärgiks on ennekõike ESA ja EK või teiste Euroopa rahvuslike agentuuride omavaheline sünenergia.

  1. Support to research activities related to space science and exploration
  2. New concepts in space transportation, and key technologies including critical components
  3. Research to reduce the vulnerability of space assets

Ülevaate teemadest ja rahastamisskeemidest annab tabel 2.

Tabel 2. SPACE CALL 5

9.1.1 Space-based applications at the service of European Society / Preoperational validation of GMES servicesand products SPA.2012.1.1-01
Testing and validating the intelligence-driven and high time-critical scenarios of the CONOPS
Collaborative Project
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
Testing and validating the low time-critical components of the CONOPS
Collaborative Project
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
GMES Security– Support to EU External Actions
Collaborative Project
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
Support to emergency response management
Collaborative Project
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
Preparing takeup of GMES Sentinel data
Collaborative Project
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
9.1.3 Space-based applications at the service of European Society / Support to the coordinated provision of observation data SPA.2012.1.3-01
Research and development for In-situ component
Collaborative Projects
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
GMES Climate Change – Coordination of Earth observation data validation for reanalysis
Coordination and Support Action (coordinating)
GMES Climate Change – Data archiving and exchange
Collaborative Projects
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
SPA.2012.1.3-04 Consolidation of user requirements for GMES Coordination and Support Action
(supporting or coordinating)
9.2.1 Strengthening of Space foundations/ Research to support space science and exploration SPA.2012.2.1-01
Exploitation of science and exploration data
Collaborative Projects
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
9.2.2 Strengthening of Space foundations / Research to support space transportation and key technologies SPA.2012.2.2-01
Key technologies enabling observations in and from space
Collaborative Projects
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
Key technologies for in-space activities
Collaborative Projects
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
9.3.1 Cross-cutting activities / SME specific research SPA.2012.3.1-01
Bringing terrestrial SME-research into the space domain
Collaborative Projects
(Small or medium-scale focused research project)
9.3.5 Cross-cutting activities/ Studies and events in support of European Space Policy SPA.2012.3.5-01
Studies and events in support of European Space Policy
Coordination and Support Action
(supporting or coordinating)
Research agenda definitions and research activity road-maps for a European Research framework programme (workshop activities)
Coordination and Support Action
New emerging research needs – reduction of vulnerability of space infrastructure
Coordination and Support Action

Potentsiaalsed teemad tulevaseks konkursiks, täpsem ülevaade tööprogrammis lk 56 (ühese mõistetavuse huvides on toodud teemad originaalkeeles, mis on ühtlasi ka projektitaotluseks vajalik):

  • strengthen further GMES service developments;
  • integrate satellite communication and satellite navigation solutions with space-based observing systems fostering the convergence of these space-based capacities;
  • provide an opportunity within FP7 for strengthening international cooperation activities started at the end of the previous Framework Programme, as well as preparing GMES as the European contribution to GEOSS.

Activity: 9.1 Space-based applications at the service of European Society

It is also foreseen to open the final call to the development of downstream services. Specific sectors which could receive attention are sustainable energy management, also in the urban development context, and sustainable resource management.

As regards integrated use and application of satellite communication and satellite navigation solutions with space-based observation systems (action area 2), further FP7 support, including a wider range of (downstream) geo-information R&D needs, is envisaged in 2013.

Complementary R&D activities accompanying GMES Initial Operations will be supported from FP7 in the annual work programmes 2013.

Activity: 9.2. Strengthening the foundations of Space science and technology

Specific Research to reduce the vulnerability of space assets has been covered substantively in the previous call of 2009, and could be addressed again in 2013.

Activity: 9.3 Cross-cutting activities

In particular, the Action Plan on GMES and Africa has now led to a phase of implementation in the frame of the Joint Africa Europe Strategy under Partnership 8 on Science, Information Society and Space, which is expected to be supported in 2013.


6…9. september 2011, Antwerpen, Belgia
ELGRA Biennial Symposium and General Assembly
“Gravity: from µ to x !”

Lisaks üldisematele teemadele käsitletakse:
– Columbus and other modules on ISS
– Life support systems in space
– Altered gravity research (hyper-gravity)
– Counter-measures/artificial gravity
– Vibration
– Exploration issues
– Soft matter mechanics of living cells
– Plasma and dust

11. oktoober 2011, Brüssel
„Innovation in e-Government: Satellite Applications as Enablers of Smart Public Services“

Keda oodatakse:
* regioonide ja linnade esindajad
* Innovatsiooni ja jätkusuutliku arengu poliitika esindajad Euroopa ja rahvuslike organisatsioonide esindajate hulgast
* satelliitrakenduste pakkujad, kosmosetööstus, kosmosepoliitika

20. oktoober, Bergen, Norra
„Tourism, leisure and sustainable development on the coast: the added value of satellite services“
Konverents keskendub innovatiivsetele satelliitside võimaluste rakendamisele regioonides ja linnades.

22…25. november 2011, Peking, Hiina
United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Risk Management “Best Practices for Risk Reduction and Rapid Response Mapping”
Peamised käsitletavad teemad:

  • Global datasets and information for risk reduction
  • Rapid response mapping: opportunities and challenges
  • Networks: building upon and strengthening existing capacities

Huvitavat lisalugemist:




Kasulikke viiteid:


Einar Mikson
SA Archimedes, 7RP NCP, julgeolek ja kosmos

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