Kuulutati välja julgeoleku neljas projektikonkurss

Iga-aastane 7RP julgeoleku projektikonkurss on alanud. Allpool loetletud teemadel on võimalik projekte esitada kuni 02.12.2010, viimane elektrooniline saatmise (EPSSi kaudu) tähtaeg on kell 16.00 Eesti aja järgi. Plaanitavaks kogueelarveks on ca 229 miljonit eurot.

Kõik teemad on avatud laiale potentsiaalsete huvigruppide ringile: tööstus, sh VKE, teadusasutused, ülikoolid, avalik-õiguslikud institutsioonid, eraettevõtted. Kuna julgeoleku teemadel peetakse eriti oluliseks tööstuse osalemist, siis VKE osalus on eriti nõutud ja soositud.

Konsortsiumidesse oodatakse osalema rahvusvahelisi kõrge tööstuspotentsiaaliga ettevõtteid, aga ka kolmandaid riike (ICPC). Hetkeseisuga ei ole plaanitud teemasid, mis oleksid spetsiaalselt rahvusvaheliseks koostööks mõeldud, kui aga projekti sisu ei ole ilma nendeta piisav ja kaalukas, saab kõiki neid riike kaasata.

Julgeoleku teema olulisim väljakutse on arendada innovaatilisi lahendusi meie kõigi turvalisuse tagajatele ja programmidele. Kutse on jaotatud seitsmeks teemaks, neist neli on nn mission-orientaded ja kolm valdkondadevahelised alateemad. Teemad sisaldavad vähemalt ühte alljärgnevatest ambitsioonidest:

  1. võimekuse oluliste puuduste likvideerimine (innovatiivsed tehnoloogilised lahendused);
  2. teadus- ja arendustegevuse lahenduste kasutuselevõtt (nende testimine ja kasutuselevõtt lõpp-tarbijate poolt);
  3. Euroopale oluliste tuumikteenuste kasutamine (seal, kus neid ei kasutata piisavalt);
  4. kõrge riski/tasuvusega projektid (pikaajalise arendustöö ja mõjuga projektid, mis sisaldavad läbimurdelisi innovatiivseid lahendusi).

Ülevaade originaalkeeles välja kuulutatud teemadest on esitatud tabelis 1.


Activity: 10.1 Increasing the Security of the Citizens
Area: 10.1.1 Organised crime SEC-2011.1.1-1 Digital forensic – Capability Project CP-FP
Area: 10.1.2 Intelligence against terrorism SEC-2011.1.2-1 Strategies for countering a terrorist attack in an urban environment – Capability Project CP-FP
Area: 10.1.3 Explosives SEC-2011.1.3-1 Improvised Explosive Device (IED) neutralisation in urban/civil environment – Capability Project CP-FP
SEC-2011.1.3-2 Forensic analysis of an explosion or an unexploded IED – Capability Project
SEC-2011.1.3-3 Comprehensive toolbox for humanitarian clearing of large civil areas from antipersonal landmines and cluster munitions – Integration Project CP-IP
Area: 10.1.4  Ordinary Crime and Forensic SEC-2011.1.4-1 Understanding of unintended consequences of global illicit-drug control measures – Capability Project CP-FP
SEC-2011.1.4-2 Innovative techniques for safe external control of non cooperative vehicles – Capability Project
SEC-2011.1.4-3 Advanced forensic framework – Coordination and Support Action Coordination and Support Action
Area: 10.1.5 CBRN Protection SEC-2011.1.5-1 Development of detection capabilities of difficult to detect radioactive sources and nuclear materials – Capability Project CP-FP
SEC-2011.1.5-2 Identification and Development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals – Capability Project or Support Action Collaborative Project or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.1.5-3 Development of improved forensic tools applied to radiological contaminations – Capability Project CP-FP
Activity: 10.2 Increasing the Security of infrastructures and utilities
Area: 10.2.1 Design, planning of buildings and urban areas none
Area: 10.2.2 CP-IP Energy, Transport, communication grids SEC-2011.2.2-1 Airport checkpoints –Integration Project CP-IP
SEC-2011.2.2-2 Protection of Critical Infrastructure (structures, platforms and networks) against Electromagnetic Attacks – Capability Project CP-FP
Area: 10.2.3 Surveillance none
Area: 10.2.4 Supply chain SEC-2011.2.4-1 International postal supply chains – Integration Project CP-IP
Area: 10.2.5 Cyber crime SEC-2011.2.5-1 Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures – Capability Project CP-FP
Activity: 10.3 Intelligent surveillance and enhancing border security
Area: 10.3.1 Sea borders none
Area: 10.3.2 Land borders none
Area: 10.3.3 Air borders none
Area: 10.3.4 Border checks SEC-2011.3.4-1 Security of biometric data and travel documents – Integration Project CP-IP
SEC-2011.3.4-2 “Artificial sniffer” – Capability Project CP-FP
SEC-2011.3.4-3 Border crossing points of the future – Capability Project
Area: 10.3.5 Border intelligent surveillance none
Activity: 10.4 Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
Area: 10.4.1  Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning SEC-2011.4.1-1 Crisis management modelling tool – Integration Project CP-IP
SEC-2011.4.1-2 Psycho social support of Crisis Management – Capability Project CP-FP
Area: 10.4.2 Response SEC-2011.4.2-1 Post crisis lesson learned exercise – Capability Project or Coordination and Support Action CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.4.2-2 Unmanned search and rescue solutions – Integration Project CP-IP
SEC-2011.4.2-3 Rapid deployment of shelters, facilities and medical care resources following a major disaster – Integration Project
SEC-2011.4.2-4 Enhancing crisis response abilities of the public – Coordination and Support Action Coordination and Support Action
Area: 10.4.3 Recovery none
Area: 10.4.4 CBRN response SEC-2011.4.4-1 CBRNE individual Protective Clothing – Capability Project CP-FP
Activity: 10.5 Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability
Area: 10.5.1 Information Management SEC-2011.5.1-1 Evaluation of identification technologies, including Biometrics CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
Area: 10.5.2 Secure Communications SEC-2011.5.2-1 Technical solutions for interoperability between first responder communication systems – Capability Project CP-FP
Area: 10.5.3 Interoperability SEC-2011.5.3-1 Establishment of a first responders, Platform for interoperability Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.5.3-2 Operational data exchange CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.5.3-3 Developing interoperability frameworks for mission-oriented security systems CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.5.3-4 Video archive search – Capability Project CP-FP
Activity: 10.6 Security and society
Area: 10.6.1 Citizens, media and security SEC-2011.6.1-1 Analysis of the security systems in Europe Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.6.1-2 Protection of European citizens abroad Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.6.1-3 Signs of “early warning” to detect trends and weak signals in social polarisation, violent radicalisation development and segregation CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.6.1-4 Reduction of the cognitive biases in intelligence analysis
SEC-2011.6.1-5 Surveillance and the challenges for the security of the citizen (topic coordinated with the SSH theme)
Area: 10.6.2 Organisational structure and cultures of public  users SEC-2011.6.2-1 Best practices for enhancing security policy in urban zones CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
Area: 10.6.3 Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept SEC-2011.6.3-1 Assessing trends and threats in a society CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
Area: 10.6.4 Security economics SEC-2011.6.4-1 Develop socio-economic methodologies which can be adapted to different missions in security research CP-FP or Coordinationand Support Action
Area: 10.6.5 Ethics and justice SEC-2011.6.5-1 Conflict resolution and mediation CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.6.5-2 The relationship between Human privacy and security
Activity: 10.7 Security research coordination and structuring
Area: 10.7.1 ERA-NET SEC-2011.7.1-1 Co-ordination of national research programmes in the area of Security research (ERA-NET) Coordination and Support Action
Area: 10.7.2 Small and Medium Enterprises SEC-2011.7.2-1 Effective approach between end-users and SMEs Coordination andSupport Action
Area: 10.7.3 Studies none
Area: 10.7.4 Other coordination SEC-2011.7.4-1 Networking of researchers for a high level multi-organisational and cross-bordercollaboration Network of excellence
Area: 10.7.5 End users SEC-2011.7.5-1 Innovation and research within security organisations CP-FP or Coordination and Support Action
SEC-2011.7.5-2 Definition of requirements by civil Security end-users for large air transport systems
Area: 10.7.6 Training SEC-2011.7.6-1 Development of a European training curriculum for international crisis management

Rahastusskeemide (funding schemes) selgitusi:

The following budgetary thresholds are applied as eligibility criteria: Collaborative

Projects in this work programme are divided into a) small or medium-scale focused research

project (CP-FP) with requested funding of EUR 3 500 000 and below, and b) large scale

integrating project (CP-IP) with EU requested funding of over EUR 3 500 000.


Potentsiaalsed teemad tulevasteks konkurssideks, täpsem ülevaade tööprogrammis lk 65:

Tulevaste kutsete plaan

Security Call 5 (FP7-SEC-2012-1) – kuulutatakse välja  2011. a teisel poolel

Security Call 6 (FP7-SEC-2013-1) – kuulutatakse välja  2012. a teisel poolel

Võimalikud teemad tulevasteks kutseteks:

Security Call 5:

Demonstration project(s) phase II for CBRNE

Demonstration project(s) phase II for Security of Supply chains and logistic

Countering weapons trafficking

Automatic treatment of (large amount of) images and videos

Tools to facilitate intelligence and information sharing for law enforcement agencies

ERA-NET for national security research programme (could be focused on specific areas)

Detection of explosives/IEDs in a civil environment

Early detection of a CBRNE event or a significant health threat (e.g. pandemic)

Protective clothing and equipment (e.g. bullet proof jacket)

Air Traffic Management Security

Security Call 6:

Demonstration project(s) phase II for Crisis Management

Advanced Forensic toolbox

Integrated deployable Command and Control centre incl. decision support, fusion of data from observation, intelligence, communication

Stand-off detection of biological agents

Konkursikutsete juhendite ja muude abistavate dokumentidega on võimalik tutvuda CORDISe kodulehel.

Kasulikku lisainfot:

CORDISe kodulehel: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/security/home_en.html 

    • tööprogramm
    • avanenud kutse
    • info, kuidas kirjutada projekti
    • jne

Kõik teemad:

Lisainfot Demos phase 1 ja 2; muud teemakohased küsimused:


1. Avanenud kutse infopäev Brüsselis: 9. septembril 2010

2. Rahvusvaheline julgeolekualane iga-aastane konverents SRC’10Security Research Conference in Oostende on 22-24 September, www.src10.be


Einar Mikson

SA Archimedes, 7RP julgeolek ja kosmos konsultant


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