Kuulutati välja julgeoleku viies projektikonkurss

china-segway-olympics-securityIga-aastane (sel aastal juba viies) 7RP projektikonkurss on alanud. Allpool loetletud teemadel on võimalik projekte esitada kuni 23.11.2011, viimane elektrooniline saatmise (EPSS kaudu) tähtaeg on kell 16.00 Eesti aja järgi. Plaanitavaks kogueelarveks on ca 241,7 miljonit eurot.

Kõik teemad on avatud laiale potensiaalsete huvigruppide ringile: tööstus, sh VKE, teadusasutused, ülikoolid, avalik-õiguslikud institutsioonid, eraettevõtted. Kuna julgeoleku teemadel peetakse eriti oluliseks tööstuse osalemist, siis VKE osalus on eriti nõutud ja soositud.

Konsortsiumidesse oodatakse osalema rahvusvahelisi kõrge tööstuspotentsiaaliga ettevõtteid, aga ka kolmandaid riike (ICPC). Hetkeseisuga ei ole plaanitud teemasid, mis oleks spetsiaalselt rahvusvaheliseks koostööks mõeldud, kui aga projekti sisu ei ole ilma nendeta piisav ja kaalukas, saab erinevaid riike kaasata.

Julgeoleku teema olulisim väljakutse on arendada innovaatilisi lahendusi meie kõigi turvalisuse tagajatele ja programmidele. Kutse on jaotatud seitsmeks teemaks, neist neli on nn mission-orientaded ja kolm valdkondadevahelised alateemad. Teemad sisaldavad vähemalt ühte alljärgnevatest ambitsioonidest:

  1. võimekuse oluliste puuduste likvideerimine (innovatiivsed tehnoloogilised lahendused);
  2. teadus- ja arendustegevuse lahenduste kasutuselevõtt (nende testimine ja kasutuselevõtt lõpptarbijate poolt);
  3. Euroopale oluliste tuumikteenuste kasutamine (seal, kus neid ei kasutata piisavalt);
  4. kõrge riski/tasuvusega projektid (pikaajalise arendustöö ja mõjuga projektid, mis sisaldavad läbimurdelisi innovatiivseid lahendusi).

Ülevaade originaalkeeles välja kuulutatud teemadest on esitatud tabelis 1.


Activity: 10.1
Increasing the Security of the Citizens
Area: 10.1.1
Organised crime
Area: 10.1.2
Intelligence against terrorism
Area: 10.1.3
SEC-2012.1.3-1 Less than Lethal Handling of PBIEDs CP-FP
SEC-2012.1.3-2 Home made explosives (HMEs) and recipes characterisation CP-FP
Area: 10.1.4
Ordinary Crime and Forensic
Area: 10.1.5
CBRN Protection
SEC-2012.1.5-1 CBRNE Demo Phase II CP-IP
SEC-2012.1.5-2 Improving drinking water security management and mitigation in large municipalities against major deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN-related contaminations CP-FP
SEC-2012.1.5-3 Identification and development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals CP-FP or CSA
SEC-2012.1.5-4 Securing the food chains from primary production and animal feeds to consumer ready food against deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN contamination CP-FP
Area: 10.1.6
Information Gathering
SEC-2012.1.6-1 Digital, miniaturised operational tool for investigation CP-FP
Activity: 10.2
Increasing the Security of infrastructures and utilities
Area: 10.2.1
Design, planning of buildings and urban areas
SEC-2012.2.1-1 Resilience of large scale urban built infrastructure CP-FP
SEC-2012.2.1-2 Criticality analysis of critical infrastructure including concepts for forgery proof and efficient facility access systems CP-FP
Area: 10.2.2
CP-IP Energy, Transport, communication grids
SEC-2012.2.2-1 Identification of measures to counter illegal export of metal-bearing waste CSA
SEC-2012.2.2-2 Air traffic Management/Control threat assessment model CP-IP
SEC-2012.2.2-3 Improving security in air cargo transport CP-IP
SEC-2012.2.2-4 A common EU aviation security requirement to reduce costs and facilitate passenger flows CSA
Area: 10.2.3
SEC-2012.2.3-1 Early warning security systems: physical protection of critical buildings CP-FP
Area: 10.2.4
Supply chain
SEC-2012.2.4-1 Pre-normative technology development for improved and more efficient security of the supply chain CSA
Area: 10.2.5
Cyber crime
SEC-2012.2.5-1 Convergence of physical and cyber security CP-FP
SEC-2012.2.5-2 Cyber resilience – Secure cloud computing for critical infrastructure CP-FP
Activity: 10.3
Intelligent surveillance and enhancing border security
Area: 10.3.1
Sea borders
SEC-2012.3.1-1 Increasing trustworthiness of vessel reporting systems CP-FP
SEC-2012.3.1-2 Pre-Operational Validation (POV) at EU level of common application of Surveillance tools CP-CSA
Area: 10.3.2
Land borders
Area: 10.3.3
Air borders
Area: 10.3.4
Border checks
SEC-2012.3.4-1 Research on “automated” comparison of x-ray images for cargo scanning with reference material (use of historic images in an automated environment) to identify irregularities CP-FP
SEC-2012.3.4-2 Research and validation for sub-surface fingerprint live scanners CP-FP
SEC-2012.3.4-3 Tools and processes for assessing the impact of policies/actions on border control CSA
SEC-2012.3.4-4 Innovative, costefficient and reliable technology to detect humans hidden invehicles/closed compartments CP-FP
SEC-2012.3.4-5 Further research, development and pilot implementation of Terahertz passive detection techniques (T-Ray) CP-FP
SEC-2012.3.4-6 Enhancing the workflow and functionalities of Automated Border Control (ABC) gates CP-IP
Area: 10.3.5
Border intelligent surveillance
SEC-2012.3.5-1 Development of airborne sensors and data link CP-IP
Activity: 10.4
Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
Area: 10.4.1
Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning
SEC-2012.4.1-1 Preparedness for and management of large scale fires CP-IP
SEC-2012.4.1-2 Psycho social support in Crisis Management CP-FP
Area: 10.4.2
SEC-2012.4.2-1 Positioning and timing tools to guarantee security assets trace & tracking together with worker safety in a secure environment CP-FP
SEC-2012.4.2-2 Situational awareness guidance and evacuation systems for large crowds, including crowds unpredictable behaviour CP-IP
SEC-2012.4.2-3 Post crisis lesson learned exercise CSA
Area: 10.4.3
SEC-2012.4.3-1 Next generation damage and post-crisis needs assessment tool for reconstruction and recovery planning CP-FP
Area: 10.4.4
CBRN response
SEC-2012.4.4-1 Development of mobile laboratories, structures and functions to support rapid assessment of CBRN events with a cross-border or international impact CSA
SEC-2012.4.4-2 Means of decontamination of large groups, urban/wide areas and large, complex and/or sensitive object CP-FP
SEC-2012.4.4-3 Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims after a mass contamination CP-IP
Activity: 10.5
Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability
Area: 10.5.1
Information Management
Area: 10.5.2
Secure Communications
SEC-2012.5.2-1 Preparation of the next generation of PPDR communication network CP-FP
Area: 10.5.3
SEC-2012.5.3-1 Embedded protection of security systems and anti-tampering technologies CP-FP
SEC-2012.5.3-2 Establishment of a first responders platform for interoperability CSA
SEC-2012.5.3-3 Establishment of a interoperability platform/centre for testing and validating decision and intelligence systems NoE
SEC-2012.5.3-4 Global solution for interoperability between first responder communication systems CP-IP
Activity: 10.6
Security and society
Area: 10.6.1
Citizens, media and security
SEC-2012.6.1-1 Methodologies to assess the effectiveness of measures addressing violent radicalisation CP-FP or CSA
SEC-2012.6.1-2 Tools and methodologies, definitions and strategies for privacy by design for surveillance technologies, including ICT systems CP-FP or Coordinationand Support Action
SEC-2012.6.1-3 Use of new communication/social media in crisis situations CP-FP or Coordinationand Support Action
Area: 10.6.2
Organisational structure and cultures of public users
Area: 10.6.3
Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept
SEC-2012.6.3-1 Developing an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of the early warning system for the detection of emerging organised crime threats CP-FP
SEC-2012.6.3-2 Criteria for assessing and mainstreaming societal impacts of security research activities CSA
Area: 10.6.4 Security economics SEC-2012.6.4-1 Fight against corruption CSA
Area: 10.6.5 Ethics and justice SEC-2012.6.5-1 Legitimacy and effectiveness of legal measures against security threats CP or CSA
Activity: 10.7
Security research coordination and structuring
Area: 10.7.1 ERA-NET
Area: 10.7.2 Small and Medium Enterprises SEC-2012.7.2-1 Open topic for Small and Medium Enterprises: “Advancing contemporary forensic methods and equipment” CP-FP
Area: 10.7.3 Studies
Area: 10.7.4Other coordination SEC-2012.7.4-1 Coordination of national research programmes in the area of security research CSA
SEC-2012.7.4-2 Networking of researchers for a high level multiorganisational and cross-border collaboration NoE
Area: 10.7.5 End users
Area: 10.7.6 Training

Selgitusi rahastusskeemide (funding schemes) juurde:

The following budgetary thresholds are applied as eligibility criteria:
Collaborative Projects in this work programme are divided into:

  1. small or medium-scale focused research project (CP-FP) with requested funding of EUR 3 500 000 and below, and
  2. large scale integrating project (CP-IP) with EU requested funding of over EUR 3 500 000.

Potentsiaalsed teemad tulevasteks konkurssideks, täpsem ülevaade tööprogrammis lk 65:

Tulevaste kutsete plaan
Security Call 6 (FP7-SEC-2013-1) – kuulutatakse välja  2012. a teisel poolel

Võimalikud teemad tulevasteks kutseteks:
Security Call 6:
Demonstration project(s) phase II for “Logistics and supply chain security”
Demonstration project(s) phase II for “Aftermath crisis management”

Kasulikku lisainfot:

Participant Portal kodulehel:

    • Tööprogramm
    • Avanenud kutse
    • Info, kuidas kirjutada projekti
    • jne

Kõik teemad:

Lisainfot Demos phase 1 ja 2; muud teemakohased küsimused:


1. Security 5th Call Joint Partnering Event,  8. september 2011, Brüssel


2. The sixth CRITIS Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, 8…9. september 2011, Luzern, Šveits


3. Rahvusvaheline julgeoleku-alane iga-aastane konverents, SRC’11Security Research Conference, Varssav, 19…21. september 2011


Einar Mikson
SA Archimedes, 7RP julgeolek ja kosmos konsultant

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